May 5, 2017: We were excited and proud to receive the following awards during the Bichon Frise National Specialty Top Winning Bitch 2016
MULT BISS GCH. PaRay's Magic Wand continues her winning ways. Silver, Bay Kennel Club in Del Mar, CA on 2/25/17:
Silver, Bay Kennel Club in Del Mar, CA on 2/26/17:
April 16, 2016: Congrats to Multi BISS GCH. PaRay's Magic Wand wins under Specialty Best In Show under Judge Mr. Ed Bivin at the Bichon Frise Club of Northern CA.
February 9, 2016: Congrats to new champion PaRay's Magic Wand. Magic finished her championship at warp speed. With multiple BOB over specials and group placements. Congats to PaRay's Magic Wand scoring another BOB and Group Second.
January, 2016: Congrats to NEW CHAMPION PaRay's Magic Wand finishing in a style fitting of such an outstanding bitch. Winning Winners bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Breed over 8 champions. Then on to a strong Group Four. We are looking forward to an exciting future with Magic.
January, 2016: Thurs, Jan 7th: PaRay's Magic Wand is honored with WB BOW at the Prestigious Palm Springs shows Jan 8th: PaRay's Magic Wand scores WB Jan 9th: theGIRLS/magic.htm is given the great honor of WB BOW BOS over specials for a 3 point major. Jan 10th: PaRay's Magic Wand scores WB BOW Thank you to all the judges for these great honors.
October 13, 2015:
August 21, 2014: PARAY is excited for our latest homebred champions 1. The Stunning NEW Champion PaRay's Patheon finished at warp speed with 3 -5 point majors including Winners bitch at the Houston Bichon Frise specialty the day following the national specialty. "Andromeda" is sired by the great BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Propaganda ROMX [ SIRE of 50 Champions] x Ch. PaRay's Juicy Couture
2. CH. PaRay's LaPrarie Abagail is sired by BIS BISS AM & ENG Ch. PaRay's Power Play. "Abagail" will be bred to the Stunning BFCA National WINNERS DOG CH. Judges Choice Heart Beat For Bodacious..aka "Thump"...Winners Dog at the Pa. Bichon Frise Specialty ..The New Jersey Bichon Specialty .. and the BFCA National Specialty 2014.......Thank you Paul for making another dream come true....
July 4-6, 2014: Congrats to the proud owner and breeder of BIS BISS GCH. Newtnine Crown of Queen Winning Reserve Best in Show under Mrs. Jan Paulk, Group First under Mrs. Janet Sinclair, in addition a very nice Group Second and Group Fourth. Thanks to all the judges.
June 28-29, 2014: The Bichon BIS BISS GCH. Newtnine Crown of Queen on the highly competitive Montana Circuit "Q" was awarded 5 BOB's 3 Group Ones, 1 Group Two, and 1 Group Three Congratulations to "Q's" Proud Owner and breeder. We are delighted to announce the New Championship of Ch. PaRay's Pantheon Andromeda finished at warp speed. She was Winner Bitch under the highly regarded Mr. Kent Delany at the Houston Bichon Frise Club Specialty for a 5 point major. This was the day following the National Specialty. Then on the Highly Competitive Montana Circuit She earned another 5 point Major, then a 4 point Major , and then another 5 point major. We thank all the judges for this whirlwind finish. We too feel she is outstanding and personifies correct bred type. She is sired by our great sire BIS BISS CH. PaRay's Propaganda ROMX x Ch. Paray's Juicy Couture. We have a very special breeding planned for "Andromeda" to the frozen semen of the incomparable BIS BISS AM & ENG. CH. PaRay's I Told You So ROMX. This litter should be extraordinary. 2013 Recognitions of Acheivement for Dominick, BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege at the 2014 Bichon Frise Club of America Specialty:
News for 2014 January 21, 2014: We are excited to announce and welcome to the United States the sensational show dog Chinese Ch. Newtnine Crown of Queen. "Queen" comes to America to be campaigned to the fancy. She must first complete her American Title which she does in only 5 shows, scoring 4 major wins 2 BOB over several top winning specials enroute to a Group Three at the prestigous Palm Springs KC. under Mrs. Donna Buxton in a sensational group. Then on to the Ventura Winterfest Cluster, Queen finishes with a Group First 5 point major under Mr Johnny Shoemaker. She follows this with three Group First, and a Reserve Best in Show. Hello and Welcome to America! We are so excited about presenting "Queen" to the fancy. She was wonderfully received from our peers. She so reminds us of a feminine version of her Paternal GrandFather AM. & ENG. PaRay's I Told You So ROMX who was America's Number One Non Sporting Dog and a Top Ten Dog All breeds & Then in England he was the Number One Dog All Breeds and Show Dog of THe Year. In addition to these wonderful accomplishments. "Buster" won both the American and the English National specialty shows, Westminster KC and Crufts KC. "Queen" has his dynamic presence and incredible side gate and she is not to be denied. Congrats to her proud breeders and owners. "Queen" is sired by AM.& Eng. Ch. PaRay's Power Play who was the number one Bichon Frise in England. Then at his one and only appearance in America in the specials ring, he was awarded BOS at The Bichon Frise Club of America National Specialty. News for 2013 December 6 - 8, 2013 - Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County and Malibu Kennel Club in Costa Mesa, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group Three under Judge Mrs. Kathy Bellew, a Group Four under Judge Dr. Wanda Spedicacci, and a Group Two under Judge Mrs. Chris Levy. November 22 - 25, 2013 - Golden Valley Kennel Club in Turlock, CA and San Joaquin Kennel Club in Stockton, CA: Two Group First !! Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning two Group First under Judges Mr. Stephen Hubbell and Mr. Gary Dunlos and a Group Three under Judge Mrs. Alane Gomez. October 26 - 27, 2013 - Kennel Club of Riverside in Perris, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group First and a Group Two. Thank you to Judges Mr. Johnny Shoemaker for the Group First and Mr. Norman Patton for the Group Second.
October 18 - 20, 2013 - Skyline Dog Fanciers of San Mateo County and Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore in Pleasanton, CA:
October 10 - 12, 2013 - Lizard Butte and Idaho capital City Kennel Clubs in Boise, Idaho: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning two Group Twos and a Group Four. Thank you to Judges Mrs. Lawrence (Janet) Sinclair, Mr. Gary Doerge and Luc Boileau.
October 5 - 6, 2013 - Donner Trail Kennel Club in Roseville, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning two Group Twos. Thank you to Judges Mrs. Faye Strauss and Mr. Gene Mills. September 28 - 29, 2013 - Richland Kennel Club in Kennewick, WA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group Two and a Group Three. Thank you to Judges Faye Strauss and Gary Andersen.
August 31 - September 1, 2013 - Gold Country Kennel Club in Grass Valley, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group First and a Group Three. Thank you to Judges Mrs. Donnelle Richards and Mr. Robert Hutton.
August 17 - 18, 2013 - Olympic Kennel Club in Enumclaw, WA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group Three and a Group Four. Thank you to Judges Gary Dunlap and Judith Daniels.
August 10 - 11, 2013 - Nisqually Kennel Club in Lacey, WA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning Two Group Seconds. Thank you to Judges David Miller and Johnny Shoemaker.
August 4, 2013 - Richmond Dog Fanciers Club, Inc. in Dixon, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group Second. Thank you to Judge Mr. Carl Gomes.
July 19 - 22, 2013 - Kennel Club of Salinas and Sierra-Tuolumne Kennel Club in Stockton, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a GROUP FIRST, a Group Third and a Group Four. Thank you to Judges Mrs. Marjorie Underwood (Group First), Ms. Sandy Wheat (Group Third) and Mr. David Alexander (Group Four). June 20 - 23, 2013 - Summer Solstice Cluster in Cambridge, Minn: Three Group First & Congratulations to Laura Rosio on the success of her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning 3 Group First, and a Reserve Best in Show. Super happy for you Laura Rosio!
June 13 - 16, 2013 - Eagle Rock and Pocatello Kennel Clubs in Blackfoot, ID: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege scoring 2 GROUP FIRST AND 2 GROUP SECONDS on the competitive Blackfoot Circuit! Thank you to judges Patricia Lanctot and Alvin Krause for the Group Firsts. Thank you to judges Michael Lanctot and Toddie Clark for the Group Seconds.
June 9, 2013 - Contra Costa Kennel Club in Vallejo, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege winning a Group 2. May 25 - 27, 2013 - Mission Circuit in Pomona, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio on her BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege scoring a great GROUP FIRST on Saturday! This win was awarded from the well respected Mrs. Doris Cozart. "Dominick" had a blast and showed so well! BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, also won Two Group Twos under Judges Mr. Richard Beauchamp and Mr. John Shoemaker.
May 18 - 19, 2013 - Coyote Hills Kennel Club in Vallejo, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won Two Group Twos under Judges Mrs. Sharon Krogh and Mr. Robin Stansell. Congrats to his owner Mrs. Laura Rosio!
April 7, 2013 - Yosemite Kennel Club in Merced, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group Two under Judge Mrs. Florence Males. Congrats to his owner Mrs. Laura Rosio!
March 30 - 31, 2013 - Kern County Kennel Club in Bakersfield, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won Two Group Twos under Judges Mr. Richard Camacho and Mrs. Keke Kahn.
March 23, 2013 - Oakland Kennel Club in Vallejo, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group First under Judge Ms. Sandy Wheat. Congrats to his owner Mrs. Laura Rosio!
March 14 - 17, 2013 - Levenworth Kennel Club and the Heart of America Kennel Club in Kansas City, MO: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group Two on Friday, March 15th under Judge Joanne Schullier and a Group Two on Sunday March 17th under Judge Helen Lee James.
March 7, 2013 - Sequoia Kennel Club in Hanford, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group Third from Judge E. Muthard.
February 23 - 24, 2013 - Silver Bay Kennel Club in Del Mar, CA: RESERVE BEST IN SHOW
BIS BISS GCH PARAY'S POWER & PRIVILEGE, "Dominick" Our main man at PaRay Bichon Frise continues his winning ways . Congrats to his owner Mrs. Laura Rosio. "Dominick" follows up yesterday's back to back specialty BEST IN SHOWS by winning GROUP FIRST AND RESERVE BEST IN SHOW at the Del Mar shows in San Diego. Thanks to group judge Mr. David Kittridge and Best in Show judge Mrs. Janice Pardue. On Sunday, BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group One from Judge Ms. Peggy Lloyd.
February 22, 2013 - Bichon Frise Club of San Diego in Del Mar, CA: BACK-TO-BACK BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOWS!! BIS BISS GCH PARAY'S POWER & PRIVILEGE, "Dominick"
February 17, 2013 - Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club in San Jose, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group Three from Judge Kathleen Kolbert.
February 11 - 12, 2013 - Westminster Kennel Club in New York, NY: We are sending out a special note of Congratulations to our dear friend Kat Vogel who is the breeder the Westminster KC Group First winner GCh. Vogelflight's Honor to Pillowtalk . "Honor" is sired by our great BIS BISS Am. and English Ch. PaRay's I Told You So ROMX and his dam is a daughter of our BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Propaganda ROMX. So the PaRay family was represented in Style. We could not be happier for you Kat.
February 9 - 10, 2013 - Hoosier Kennel Club and Central Indiana Kennel Club in Indianapolis, IN: RESERVE BEST IN SHOW
"Dominick" won a Group Third under Judge Keke Kahn on Saturday.
January 26 - 27, 2013 - Orange Empire Dog Club in San Bernardino, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group First from Mrs. Inge Semenschin and a Group Three from Mrs. Sharon Krogh. Congrats to "Dominick's" owner Laura Rosio.
January 17 - 20, 2013 - Tualatin Kennel Club and Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon in Portland, OR: At the huge Portland Classics, BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won Group Twos from Judges Ekarat Sankunakup and Monica Canestrini. He also won Group Threes from Judges Randy Garren and Richard Beauchamp. Congrats to "Dominick's" owner Laura Rosio!
January 5, 2013 - Kennel Club of Palm Springs in Indio, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group Two from Mrs. Susan Carr.
December 12 - 15, 2012 - Eukanuba Shows in Orlando, FL: Saturday, December 15, 2012: Best of Breed Best Bred By in Breed/Variety BBE Non-Sporting Group - 2nd Place at the Eukanuba National Championship!
Click Here for AKC Summary and Photos Thursday, December 13, 2012: ANOTHER Best of Breed and Group Two!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012: Best of Breed and Group Two!
November 25, 2012 - San Joaquin Kennel Club in Stockton, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group First from Ms. Dorothy Taylor. Congrats to "Dominick's" owner Laura Rosio.
November 17 - 19, 2012 - Tucson Kennel Club in Tucson, AZ: Congratulations to Laura Rosio. Her boy, BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", is at it again! Scoring a great GROUP FIRST today in Tucson. The judge was Mrs. Jean Fournier. What fun! Thank you also to Judge Mrs. Inge Semenschin for the Group Second on Monday, November 19th.
October 26 - 28, 2012 - Sioux Empire Kennel Club, Inc. in Sioux Falls, SD: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won a Group First from Judge Jon Cole, Group Second from Judge Marilyn Busse, and Group Three from Judge William Cunningham. Congrats to Dominick's owner Laura Rosio and Dominick's co-breeder Gayle Sarner.
October 18 - 21, 2012 - Skyline Dog Fanciers of San Mateo County and Del Valle Club of Livermore in Pleasanton, CA: Congrats to Laura Rosio! Her handsome man BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege scored a huge Group First at the highly competitive Del Valle Weekend on Friday. Thank You Judge Dr. Gerard Penta! Dominick won a Group Third on Thursday under Judge Mrs. Leslie Hiltz. Thank you to Judge Ms. Betty Leininger for the Group Two on Sunday.
October 6 - 7, 2012 - Donner Trail Kennel Club in Roseville, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege won 2 Group Threes under Judges Mr. James J. Ham and Ms. Grace M. Fritz. Congratulations to Dr. Martin Winston and Laura Rosio!
September 20 - September 23, 2012 - Gallatin Dog Club and Helena Montana Kennel Club in Helena MT: Congratulations to Dr. Martin Winston and Laura Rosio on their beautiful BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege on another exceptional weekend scoring TWO- GROUP FIRST and a GROUP SECOND. "Dominick" was such a good boy!
August 17 - August 19, 2012 - Kansas City Circuit in Topeka, KS: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege won 3 Best of Breeds in a row and a Group Three under Judge Norm Patton.
July 21 - July 22, 2012 - Portland Kennel Club in Portland, OR: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege won a Group First under Judge Mrs. Anne Fleming on Saturday, and a Group Two under Judge Mrs. Marge Calltharp on Sunday. Congrats to Dominick's owner Laura Rosio.
July 14 - July 15, 2012 - Del Monte Kennel Club in Carmel, CA: Reserve Best In Show! Congrats to Mrs Laura Rosio proud owner of BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege who was awarded Group First under Judge Ms Betsy Dale. He also won Reserve Best in Show under Judge Ms. Dorothy McDonald. "Dominick" was a good boy! He won a Group Three on Sunday under Judge Mr. Gary Dunlop.
July 7 - 8, 2012 - Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association in Ventura, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege, "Dominick", won all three Best of Breeds on the highly competitve Ventura circuit. Then two Group 4ths under judges Mr. Joe Tacker and Dr. Alvin Krause in very competitive Non Sporting groups.
June 29 - July 1, 2012 - Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club in Redmond, OR: BEST IN SHOW & THREE GROUP FIRST!!
"Dominick" was co-bred by PaRay and our dear friend Gayle Sarner of BrightStar Bichon Frise. We thank Gayle for allowing us to purchase one of our little favorite girls Ch. Brightstar's PaRay Pep Talk as a baby. "Gabby" is one of our best friends and she is a wonderful Mother. Thank You Gayle.
June 16, 2012:
June 10, 2012 - Contra Costa County Kennel Club in Vallejo, CA: BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege won a Group First under Judge Mr. Fred Bassett. Congrats to "Dominick's" owner Laura Rosio.
May 26 - 27, 2012 - Hangtown Kennel Club in Placerville, CA and Kennel Club of the California Sierra: TWO GROUP FIRSTS!! BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege won a Group First on Saturday under Judge Neil W. Graves and another Group First on Monday under Judge Mr. Leslie Rogers. He won a Group Two on Sunday under Judge Mr. Robert Redhead. Congrats to Dominick's owner Laura Rosio.
May 12 - 13, 2012 - Apple Valley Kennel Club in Victorville, CA: Our stunning Homebred BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege won another Group First on Saturday under Judge Mr. Bill Bergum. He also won a Group Two on Sunday under Judge Anne Katona. Congrats to Dominick's owner Laura Rosio.
April 21 - 22, 2012 - Chief Solano Kennel Club in Merced, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning a Group Two under Judge Mrs. Eva Berg, and Best of Breed under Judge Mr. Warren Hudson on Sunday. "Dominick" won another Group Two under Judge Mr. Kenneth Berg and Best of Breed under Judge Mrs. Donnelle Richards on Saturday.
April 7 - 8, 2012 - Yosemite Kennel Club in Merced, CA: Back-to-Back GROUP FIRSTS!!
March 31 - April 1, 2012 - Kern County Kennel Club in Bakerfield, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning a Group One under Judge Dr. Wanda V. Spediacci, and Best of Breed under Judge Dr. Bernard McGivern, Jr. on Sunday. "Dominick" won Best of Breed under Judge Dr. Wanda V. Spediacci on Saturday.
February 24 - 26, 2012 in San Diego, CA:
February 19 - 20, 2012 - Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club in San Jose, CA: Back-to-Back GROUP FIRSTS!!
February 12, 2012 - Dominick leads in AKC Standings: BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege is ranked #1 for Bichons Frises AKC TopDogs using All-Breed Totals starting January 1, 2012 and ending December 31, 2012 for events processed through Thursday, January 26, 2012!
February 11, 2012 - 57th Annual Purina® Pro Plan®Show Dogs of the Year® Awards in New York City: Tray Pittman and Paul Flores NAMED 2011 GROOMERS OF THE YEAR!
February 4 - 5, 2012 - Sun Maid Kennel Club of Fresno in Fresno, CA: BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege scored 2 Best of Breeds and 2 Group Two. Thank you Judges Mrs. Ruth Zimmerman and Mrs. Eugene Blake for the Group 2's. Thank you to Judges Mr. Johnny Shoemaker and Ms. Beverly Capstick for the Best of Breeds.
January 19 - 22, 2012 - Tualatin Kennel Club and the Dog Fanciers Assoc. of OR in Portland, OR: Our BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege scored 4 big BOB's 2 Group 3's, and 1 Group 4. Thank you Judges Mrs. Dawn Hansen and Ms. Marjorie Underwood for the Group 3 and Judge Mrs. Charlotte Patterson for the Group 4. Thank you to Judges Mrs. Charlotte Patterson, Mrs. Michele Billings, Mr. Robert Hutton and Mrs. Dawn Hansen for the Best of Breeds.
January 5 - 8, 2012 - Sand to Sea Non-Sporting Association of Southern California and Kennel Club of Palm Springs in Indio, CA: Palm Springs was beautiful and fun! Our BIS BISS GCH. PaRay's Power & Privilege scored 3 big BOB's 1 Group 2, and 2 Group 3's. Thank you Judge Mr. William Usherwood for the Group 2 and Judges Mr. David Kittredge and Mrs. Elaine Lessig for the Group 3's.
December 17, 2011 - AKC Eukanuba National Championship in Orlando, FL: GROUP FIRST in the Bred By Group and BEST OF BREED!!
December 11, 2011 - Malibu Kennel Club in Costa Mesa, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning Group One under Judge Mr. Robert E. Hall.
November 18 - 20, 2011 - Tucson Kennel Club in Tucson, AZ: THREE Group First in a Row this weekend!!!
October 29 - 30, 2011 - Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers Association in Dixon, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning Group One this weekend under Judge Mr. Kenneth Berg on Sunday, and a Group Three under judge Mrs. Inge Semenchin on Saturday.
October 23 - 24, 2011 - Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore in Pleasanton, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning two Group Two this weekend at the prestigious Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore! Thank you judges Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen and Mr. Kenneth D. Falconi.
October 15 - 16, 2011 - Two Cities Kennel Club in Yuba City, CA: Back to Back Group Firsts for PaRay's Power & Privilege! Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning two Group First this weekend! Thank you judges Ms. Janet Allen and Mr. Robert Whitney.
September 22 - 25, 2011 - Gallatin and Helena Montana Kennel Clubs in Helena, MT: 3 Group Firsts for PaRay's Power & Privilege! Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning three Group First and one Group Third this weekend! Thank you judges Mrs. Beverly Capstick, Ms. Sandra Goose Allen and Mrs. Robert Smith for the Group Firsts and Mrs. Carol Jean Nelson for the Group Third.
September 17 - 18, 2011 - Wenatchee Kennel Club in Cashmere, Washington: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning two Group Two this weekend!
August 27 - 28, 2011 - Mensona Kennel Clug in Santa Rosa, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning two Group Two under Judges Ms. Carolyn Herbel and Mrs. Tomas (Alane L.) Gomez.
August 20 - 21, 2011 - Reno Kennel Clug in Reno, NV: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning two Group Two under Judges Mrs. Keke Kahn and Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings.
August 7 - 8, 2011 - Richmond Dog Fanciers Club, Inc. in Dixon, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning a Group Two under Judge Mr. Stephen J. Hubbell and a Best of Breed under Judge Mrs. Peggy Haas on Sunday. He also won a Best of Breedunder Judge Mrs. Faye Strauss on Saturday.
July 31, 2011 - Lompoc Valley Kennel Club in Lompoc, CA: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning a Group Four under Judge Dr. Gerard Penta and a Best of Breed under Judge Donnelle Richards.
June 25 - 26, 2011 - Clackamas Kennel Club in Canby, OR: Congrats to BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning 2 huge Group Firsts under Judges Mrs. Anne T. Fleming and Mrs. Connie S. Clapp.
June 9 - 12, 2011 - Lake County Kennel Club of Northern CA and the Contra Costa Kennel Club in Vallejo, CA: Congrats on our beautiful young specials dog BIS BISS GCH PaRay's Power and Privilege,"Dominick, winning 4 Best of Breeds, 3- Group 2's and 1 Group 3. Our thanks to judges Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman, Dr. John A. Reeve-Newson and Mr. David R. Miller and Judge Dr. Richard Meen.
May 28 - 30, 2011 - Hangtown Kennel Club of Placerville and the Kennel Club of the California Sierra in Placerville, CA: 2 Group First for BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege!! Another fantastic weekend for the Great BIS BISS Grand Ch. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, winning back to back Group First under two judges we hold in high regard. "Dominick" won a Group First on Saturday under Judge Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson defeating 95 dogs. He won another Group First on Sunday under Judge Mrs. Eva Berg defeating 90 dogs. Congrats to Dominick's owner Laura Rosio! On Monday, "Dominick" won a Group 2 from Judge Mr. Darryl Vice.
May 21 - 22, 2011 - Sunflower Kennel Club of Olathe Kansas in Gardner, Kansas: ALL BREED BEST IN SHOW and 2 Group Firsts for BIS BISS Grand Ch.PaRay's Power & Privilege!! BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won a BEST IN SHOW on Saturday under Judge Sullie Greendale Paveza and Group First under Judge Sharon Krogh. "Dominick" won another Group First under Judge David Krogh on Sunday.
May 14, 2011 - Camelia Capital Kennel Club in Woodland, CA: BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won a Group First on Saturday under Judge Mr. Arley Hussin.
April 2, 2011 - Silver State Kennel Club in Las Vegas, NV: BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won a Group Second on Saturday under Judge Dr. Jose Luis Payro.
March 26 - 27, 2011 - Kern County Kennel Club in Bakersfield, CA: TWO BACK-TO-BACK GROUP FIRSTS This Weekend!!BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won a Group First on Saturday under breeder Judge Gene Mills. It is always a great honor to win under a breeder judge. Then, on Sunday, "Dominick" won another Group First under Judge Dr. Wanda V. Spediacci.
March 15, 2011: As of today, BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, is the #1 ranking AKC Grand Championship Bichon Frise (for events processed through 3/2/2011). It was only 17 days (for 2011 eligible period Jan 1st -31st) for "Dominick" to accumulate his #1 ranking (from his debut in Palm Springs Jan 6th -Jan 23rd). Unreal!
February 26, 2011 - Silver Bay Kennel Club in Del Mar, CA: BIS BISS GCh. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won a Group 4 under Judge Mrs. Sandra E. Ellis.
February 25, 2011: Announcing the new Champion PaRay's Plaudit just finishing his championship at the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego specialty show. Sired by our beautiful BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon.
February 20 - 21, 2011 - Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club in San Jose, CA:
February 11 - 14, 2011 - Linn County Kennel Club and McKenzie Cascade Dog Fanciers, Inc. in Albany, OR: 4 Group Firsts In A Row for PaRay's Power & Privilege!Celebrating a SENSATIONAL weekend with our incredible new special! BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won FOUR Group Firsts under judges Mrs. Kathy Beliew on Friday, Dr. Lee Reasin on Saturday, Mrs. Patricia Hastings on Sunday and Mrs. Florence Males on Monday. Congrats to owners Martin Winston M.D. and Mrs. Laura Rosio. We are wild for this amazing Dog!
February 5 - 6, 2011 - Sun Maid Kennel Club of Fresno, Inc. in Fresno, CA: BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won two Group Twos under Mr. F.M. (Butch) MacDonald on Saturday and Mr. Frederick R. Stephens on Sunday.
January 29 - 30, 2011 - Orange Empire Dog Club in San Bernardino, CA: BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won two Group Twos under Judge Mrs. Inge Semenschin on Saturday and Mrs. Dorothy Dalton on Sunday.
January 20 - 23, 2011 - Channel City, Simi Valley, San Fernando Kennel Club, and Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association in Ventura, CA: ALL BREED BEST IN SHOW and 3 Group Firsts for PaRay's Power & Privilege!
BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Power & Privilege, "Dominick, won a Group Two under Judge Mrs. Sharon A. Krogh on Friday, January 21st. Then, on Saturday he won a Group One under Judge Mrs. Eleanor Maitland, and another Group One on Sunday under Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer. We are proud to announce another New Champion, BrightStar PaRay's Pep Talk. Congratulations to "Gabby's" co-owner Gayle Sarner. On Sunday along with "Gabby's" major is PaRay's Plaudit the 2010 BFCA Best Puppy winner was awarded a major. "Ashton" is sired by our BIS BISS CH. Pa
January 6 - 7, 2011 - Sand to Sea Non-Sporting Association in Indio, CA: