News from January - July, 2006

July 29, 2006: Hendersonville Kennel Club in Greenville, SC:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), ("Jake"), won a Group 2 from Judge Dr. Gerard Penta on Saturday, July 29th.

PaRay won the following annual awards from the Bichon Frise Club of America:

Breeders of the Year 2005

Show dog of the Year- Ch. PaRays Premier Legacy

Dam of the year (tied) Ch. PaRay's Photo Opportunity. “Samantha” is owned by Camille
and co-owned by Paul Flores and Tray Pittman.

Sire of the Year BIS/BISS PaRay’s Propaganda, “Porter” (tied). "Porter” is now the sire of 25 champions and is eligible for his ROMX siring award. An interesting note, Ch. PaRay's Propaganda and Ch. PaRays Photo Opportunity are littermates.

”Porter” is also the sire of  3 All Breed Best in Show winning children:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon
Ch. Heights Portfolio
Ch. Pillowtalks No Secrets


July 22 – 23, 2006: Conejo Kennel Club in Oxnard, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group First from Judge Mrs. Bettie Krause on Sunday, July 23rd. He won a Group 2 from Judge Mr. Stephen J. Hubbell on Saturday, July 22nd.

On Saturday, PaRay's Pentacle Promise won 2 points.

Ch. PaRays' Sao Paulo won a Group First in China.
Congrats to Jones and Renata!

July 15 – 16, 2006: Del Monte Kennel Club in Seaside, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group First from Judge Mrs. Eva E. Berg. On Saturday, July 15th, he won a Group 2 from Judge Mrs. Virginia L. Lyne.

PaRay's Private Label won Winners Dog and Best Puppy on Saturday for 1 point and then a Puppy Group 3. On Sunday, he won Winners Dog for 2 points. Congrats to Sandy Philips who coowns “Gabriel” with Paul Flores and Tray Pittman.

Then on Saturday, PaRay's Pentacle Promise was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite for 2 points under Judge Virginia Lyne. Then on Sunday, she was again Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite for 2 points under Judge Eva Berg, bringing her point total to ten points. Congrats to Dean and Patty Church who are Panny's owners! She is coowned by Paul Flores and Tray Pittman.

July 14 – 16, 2006: Duluth Kennel Club in Duluth, MN:

Ch. Heights Portfolio a “Porter” son won a Group First and two Group 3's in Duluth, Minnestoa this weekend. Congrats to the Roths and Lynette.

Then Jake's little sister from the repeat breeding of PaRay’s Propaganda, “Porter”, to Ch. PaRay’s Paloma, owned by Michelle Nelson, finished with three majors in a row this weekend in the Duluth Minnesota Kennel Club.  This is the fourth champion from this breeding.

Then PaRay's Tres Beau  won a major in Duluth this weekend as well. He is owned by Paul Flores, Tray Pittman and Kathy Lowe, and sired by Ch. PaRay’s Sao Paulo.

July in Finland :

Congratulations to Champion PaRay’s Pure Thrills, “Thomas” on his new title. He finished his Swedish Championchip with BOB. He was also selected in eight best in group and is now  FIN & EST & S CH, BaltW-06. Congratulations to Jaana Karenmaa-Nurminen.

July 8 – 9, 2006: Greater Venice Florida Dog Club, Inc in Sarasota, FL:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group First from Judge Ms. Betsy Dale and a Group 2 from Judge Mr. William Bergum.

July 1 - 2 2006: Mount Bachelor Kennel Club Redmond, OR:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won two Group First from Judges Mr. David M. Krogh and Mrs. Helen Lee James.

PaRay's Private Label won 2 points on July 2nd from the puppy class. Congrats  to his owner Sandy Philips. "Gab" is sired by Ch. PaRays' Sao Paulo and co-owned by Paul Flores and Tray Pittman.

PaRay's Tres Beau  won back to back majors this weekend. This brings his point total to 10 points with both majors from the 6-9 puppy class. This beautiful puppy is also sired by Ch. PaRay's Sao Paulo. We co-own this little doll with Kathy Keator Lowe.

Congrats to Ch. Height's Portfolio who is sired by Ch. PaRay's Propaganda on 2 large best of breed wins this weekend. Congrats to his owner Tammie Roth and handler Lynette.

In Finland, congrats to Ch. PaRay's Pure Thrill owned by Jaana Karenmaa-Nurminen, winning Best of Breed and a Group Three on July 2nd.  Pure Thrill’s son was also Best puppy!

Congratulations to New Champion PaRay's I-Court, "Kendall" who finished with a 5-point Major! He is sired by Ch. Sardella's Strictly Top Drawer and his dam is Ch. BrightStar's Natasha is Tops.

June 25 , 2006: Five Valley Kennel Club, Inc. in Missoula, MT:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group One on June 25th from Judge Miss Delores (Dee) H. Maltz.

PaRay's I-Court, "Kendall", won a 4-point major.

June 17 - 18, 2006: Shasta Kennel Club, Inc. in Gridley, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group One on Saturday, June 17th from Judge Mr. Lester R. Mapes. Then, on Sunday, June 18th, he won a Group One from Judge Mr. Kenneth Berg.

June 14 - 16 , 2006: Buck County Kennel Club, Inc. in Gridley, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group One on Thursday, June 15th from Judge Mr. Robert J. Berndt. Then, on Friday, June 16th, he won a Group Two from Judge Mr. Pete Dawkins.

June 17 - 18, 2006: Fort Dodge Kennel Club, Inc. in Fort Dodge, IA:

Congrats to CH. Heights Portfolio sired by our Ch. PaRay's Propaganda, "Porter". He won a Group One and a Group 2 this weekend. We are so happy for the Roth's and their handler Lynette!

June 2 - 4, 2006 in Fargo-Moorhead Kennel Club, Inc. in West Fargo, ND:

* * * * Another Best In Show for JAKE * * * *

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won a Group First from Mrs. Sandra Goose Allen and a Best in Show under Judge Mrs. Judy A. Doniere on Friday, June 2nd. The total number of dogs he defeated was 1105. On Saturday, June 3rd, he won a Group First from Judge Mrs. Bettie L. Krause. Then on Sunday, June 4th, he won another Group First from Judge Mrs. M. Rosalie Anderson.

Congrats to CH. Heights Portfolio sired by our Ch. PaRay's Propaganda, "Porter". This is Propaganda's third All Breed Best In Show winning child. Congrats to owner Tammie Roth and handler Lynette!

May 26 -29, 2006 in Wyoming:

* * * * Another Best In Show for JAKE * * * *

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon ("Jake"), won four Group First  under judges Mr. Ed Bivin, Dr. Lee Reasin, Dr . Robert Smith and Mrs. Robert Smith. He won another Best In Show under Judge Dr.Robert Smith. Congrats to "Jake's" owners David and Dianne Anderson, Dr. Daniel Blue and Glenda Blue.

Then PaRay's Pentacle Promise won four points. Congrats to owners Dean and Patty Church.

May 20 -21, 2006: Coyote Hills Kennel Club, Inc. in Vallejo, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won a Group Two on Saturday, May 20th from Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer. Then, on Sunday, May 21st, he won a Group One from Judge Mrs. Pat Hastings.

Congrats to NEW Champion Wolamar's Happiness Is Harley. She is sired by Ch. Rime Paray Percival and finished under Judge Mrs. Pat Hastings.

May 21, 2006 in Norway:

"PaRay's PetitAmi", Nimo, owned by Wivi Olsen of Norway, won Best of Breed out of 28 bichons entered, including champions under Judge Juha Kares.

May 13 -14, 2006: Klamath Dog Fanciers in Klamath Falls, OR:

* * * * Another Best in Show for JAKE * * * *

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won a Group One from Judge Mrs. Isabell J. Stoffers on Saturday, May 13th.

May 13 -14, 2006: Klamath Dog Fanciers in Klamath Falls, OR:

* * * * Another Best in Show for JAKE * * * *

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won a Group One from Judge Mrs. Isabell J. Stoffers on Saturday, May 13th.

On Sunday, May 14th, "Jake" won a Group One from Judge Mrs. Sandra Goose Allen and a Best in Show from Judge Mrs. Isabell J. Stoffers.

PaRay's I-Court, "Kendall", won both days and got 2 more points.

May 6 - 7 , 2006: Mensona Kennel Club in Santa Rosa, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed from Judge Mrs. Martha M. Olmos-Ollivier and a Group Three from Judge Norman Patton on Saturday, May 6th. Then, on Sunday he won Best of Breed from Judge Sandra Goose Allen and a Group One from Judge Lois Wolff White.

Congrats to NEW Champion PaRay's Paradym and congrats to his new owners Tom and Les. "Pruit" is bound for Australia.

PaRay's I-Court, "Kendall", was shown for the first time on May 6th and he won his first 2 points and Best of Winners.

April 29 - 30 , 2006: Gavilan Kennel Club in Hollister, CA:

* * * * * Another Best in Show for JAKE * * * * *

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won a Best of Breed from Judge Dr. Harry Smith and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson on Saturday, April 29th.

On Sunday, April 30th, "Jake" won a Best of Breed from Judge Dr. Harry Smith, a Group One from from Judge Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson and a Best in Show from Judge Dr. Harry Smith.

April 23, 2006: Bloomington Indiana Kennel Club, Terre Haute, IN:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed from Judge Mr. Andrew (Gene) Mills and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Dorothy A. Dalton.

April 22, 2006: Terre Haute Kennel Club, Terre Haute, IN:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed from Judge Mrs. Dorothy Dalton, and a Group One from Judge Marcie Dobkin.

Congratulations to NEW Champion BrightStar's Wicked Pony, "Remy", who finished from the puppy classes with 4 Majors. He is sired by BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake").

April 21, 2006: Bloomington Indiana Kennel Club, Terre Haute, IN:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed from Judge Mr.William Cunningham and a Group Two from Judge Mr. Robert Stein.

April 20, 2006: Terre Haute Kennel Club, Terre Haute, IN:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Karen McFarlane.

April 15 - 16, 2006: Sacramento Kennel Club, Merced, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed from Judge Dr. Samuel Draper and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Betsy Dale on Saturday, April 15th. Then, on Sunday, April 16th, he won Best of Breed from Judge Dr. Robert Smith and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Robert Smith.

April 8 - 9, 2006: Yosemite Kennel Club, Merced, CA:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed from Judge Miss Dolores (Dee) H. Maltz and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Carol A. Williams on Saturday, April 8th. Then, on Sunday, April 9th, he won Best of Breed from Judge Mrs. Carol A. Williams and a Group One from Judge Miss Dolores (Dee) H. Maltz.

Congratulations to NEW Champion PaRay's Full On II who finished on Saturday, April 8th, under Judge Miss Dolores (Dee) H. Maltz.

April 1 - 2, 2006: Chintimini Kennel Club, Albany, OR:

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best in Show from Judge Mr. Robert J. Moore and a Group One from Judge Dr. Harry Smith, Jr. on Saturday, April 1st. Then, on Sunday, April 2nd, he won Group One from Judge Mr. Lester Mapes.

March 18 - 19 , 2006: Skyline Dog Fanciers of San Mateo County, San Mateo, CA :

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mr. Fred C. Bassett on Saturday, March 18th. Then, on Sunday, March 19th, he won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Sandra Goose Allen.

PaRay's Full On II won back to back Majors from judges Mr. Andrew (Gene) Mills and Mrs. Sandra Goose Allen.

Congratulations to new FIN Ch. Paray's Pure Thrill (Thomas) owned by Jaana Karenmaa-Nurminen of Finland on a job well done! "Thomas" is sired by Ch. Paray's Pantomime and Ch. Paray's White Pepper. He has five certificates and four res-certificates.



March 11 , 2006: Crufts 2006 - NEC, Birmingham, England :

Am. and English Ch. PaRay's I Told You So", ( "Buster"), went Best of Breed and Best Dog at Crufts under Judge Mr. T. R. C. Nethercott.

Thank you Wivi Olsen of Norway for taking this photo and sharing it with us.


March 4 - 5, 2006: Kings Kennel Club of CA in Hanford, CA :

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group Two from Judge Mrs. Barbara Alderman on Saturday, March 4th. Then, on Sunday, March 5th, he won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Susan Carr.

March 2 - 3, 2006: Sequoia Kennel Club in Hanford, CA :

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Ms. Denny Mounce on Thursday, March 2nd. Then, on Friday, March 3rd, he won Best of Breed and a Group Two from Judge Mrs. Helen Lee James.

February 26, 2006: Chicagoland Bichon Frise Club Specialty - Chicago , IL :

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed at the Chicagoland Bichon Frise Club Specialty from Judge Mr. Edd Embry Bivin.

February 19 - 20, 2006: Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club, Inc. San Jose , CA :

BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mrs. M. Rosalie Anderson on Sunday, February 19th. Then, on Monday, February 20th, he won Best of Breed and a Group Two from Judge Mrs. Sally L. Vilas.

February 12 - 13, 2006:

We are thrilled to announce that BIS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed at the New York Specialty on Sunday, February 12th.

On Monday, February 13th, BIS BISS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won First Award of Merit (AOM) at The Westminster Kennel Club dog show.

January 28 - 29, 2006: Orange Empire Dog Club, San Bernardino, CA :

BIS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Bettie Krause on Sunday, January 29th. On Saturday, January 28th, he won Best of Breed and a Group Three from Judge Mr. James G. Reynolds.

January 20 - 21, 2006: Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon, Portland, Oregon :

BIS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group One from Judge Mrs. Elaine Ann Lindhorst on January 20th.

BIS Ch. PaRay's Paragon , ("Jake"), won Best of Breed and a Group Two from Judge Robert Stein.

January 14, 2006: AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, Tampa, FL:

Breed judged by Mrs. Sandra Goose Allen

Congratulations to the owners of our 3 winning bichons!



BIS Ch. PaRay's Paragon went Best Bred by Exhibitor Group 2, Best of Opposite Sex, Best Bred by in Best of Breed/Variety. "Jake" is owned by David & Dianne Anderson, Tray Pittman and Paul Flores. He is co-owned by Daniel Blue, M.D. and Mrs. Glenda Blue.

Then, on January 16, 2006, at the Pasco Florida Kennel Club, in Brooksville, FL, "Jake" won Best of Breed under Judge Jean Fournier and a Group 2 under Judge Eugene Blake.

BIS Ch. PaRay's Premier Legacy won First Award of Merit. "Mira" is owned by Dr Karen Tormey, Dr Daniel Blue and Glenda Blue.

"Ch. PaRay's Pop Star" won an Award of Merit. He is sired by "Ch. PaRay's I Told You So" ( "Buster"). "Ringo" is owned by Tray Pittman and Kathryn Lowe.

"PaRay's PetitAmi", owned by Wivi Olsen of Norway, won Best in Show Puppy! "Nimo" is sired by "Ch. PaRay's Pop Star".


January 5 - 6, 2006: Sand to Sea, Empire Equestrian Park & Polo Field, Indio, CA:

BIS Ch. PaRay's Paragon, "Jake", went Best in Show on Thursday and Friday under judges Mr. Ken Berg and Mrs. Eva Berg.